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I’m Aanchal - a therapist and human who shares work centered around cultivating compassion, radical acceptance, integrating our stories and embracing our full humanity.

My mission is to guide people in remembering their enoughness, honoring who they are, and reclaiming their inner stories in order to live a more whole and meaningful life. 


Get to know me.

You are worthy of your own deep acceptance and compassion.
You are deserving of honoring your full humanity.
You are allowed to live into your full, whole self.
You are already enough.


It is my belief that we are all inherently enough.
It is the work of a lifetime to remove all the beliefs, ideas, and stories that have ever caused us to believe otherwise.
It is sacred work. Necessary work. Humble work. Beautiful work.


It is the work my heart is called to.

Wondering How Else We Can Work Together?
Contact Me

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